Below are some links that I found interesting and/or instructive last week. Enjoy!

Table of Contents

Employee Retention Credit

Payroll tax relief for employers impacted by COVID-19 - DB

1120 C Corporation Tax Return Checklist - Tax Document Checklist - DB

Items to Add to (this) Website

Writing reproducible manuscripts in R - Shilaan Alzahawi - DB

create_project - DB

Using parse data to analyze R code - Kun Ren’s Blog Posts - DB

Cyberduck - Libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows with support for FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox

Book down to ePub

Below is research for a function to transform a bookdown site to ePub, HTmL or PDF.

Scraping HTML Text · UC Business Analytics R Programming Guide - DB

How to replicate Knit HTML in a command line? - Stack Overflow - DB

Output Formats - DB

Chapter 2 htmltools overview - Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny - DB

7 Blogdown - Big Book of R - DB

3.3 E-Books - bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown - DB

Efficient R programming - DB

17 Best R Programming Books (2021 Update) - DB

OneStep Publishing & Podcast Cliff Notes

Research for a future post on downloading podcast audio files from RSS feeds.

Using a Pre-trained Model — DeepSpeech 0.9.3 documentation - DB

Scheduling Posts and Microblogs With Jekyll - DB

Using parLapply and clusterExport inside a function - Stack Overflow - DB

22 Parallel Computation - R Programming for Data Science - DB


AWS Lambda for the Lazy. Sometimes you partner with other… - by ken b - Medium - DB

GitHub - timhodson/google-drive-file-download: A simple script to fetch files from a google drive folder and upload to S3

Getting started with R on Amazon Web Services - AWS Open Source Blog - DB

Basic usage - DB

How do I paste multi-line bash codes into terminal and run it all at once? - Stack Overflow - DB

Execute bash script from URL - Stack Overflow - DB

Run text file as commands in Bash - Stack Overflow - DB

Shell Script Basics

How to use Terminal on Mac: Basic commands and functions - DB

Understand curl more - Documenting APIs - DB

Dropbox API - Get A Temporary Link

Configuring a static website using a custom domain registered with Route 53 - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Amazon S3 bucket lifecycle operations scripting example - AWS Command Line Interface

How To Upload Local Files to AWS S3 with the AWS CLI - DB

Tutorial: Create a pipeline that uses Amazon S3 as a deployment provider - AWS CodePipeline

Deploy files stored on Amazon S3, Dropbox, or your Desktop to the AWS Amplify Console - Front-End Web & Mobile - DB

Combining Netlify with Dropbox For a One-Click Publishing Process - Netlify - DB

AWS CodePipeline Pricing - Amazon Web Services

Common Voice by Mozilla

CMUSphinx Tutorial For Developers

How to Convert Speech to Text in Python - Python Code - DB

Connect your Amazon S3 to Dropbox integration in 2 minutes - Zapier

Can I upload files to google cloud storage from url?

Uploading objects - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Automate static website deployment from Github to S3 using AWS CodePipeline - by Sithum Jayarathna - AVM Consulting Blog - Medium - DB

Integrations with CodePipeline action types - AWS CodePipeline

Chapter 15 New project, GitHub first - Happy Git and GitHub for the useR - DB

Build a Music Sharing App with Amazon S3 and AWS Amplify · We Learn Code - DB

Git - Book - DB

Introduction to version control using git - Nice R Code - DB

R Package - PAWS - Function reference

12.2 Project structure - R Markdown: The Definitive Guide - DB

Managing Multiple RStudio Sessions – Information Technology - DB

How to start using Curl and why: a hands-on introduction - DB

R: Bind Two or More Time Series

How to Search Google from the Command Line - OMG! Ubuntu! - DB

jarun/googler: Google from the terminal - DB

Generate Manual Table of Contents in (R)Markdown Documents - DB

AWS Time Series Forecasting

awslabs/amazon-timestream-tools - DB

Amazon QuickSight - Business Intelligence Service - Amazon Web Services - DB

Amazon Timestream Pricing – Time Series Database – Amazon Web Services - DB

Using R with Amazon SageMaker - Basic Notebook — Amazon SageMaker Examples 1.0.0 documentation - DB

R User Guide to Amazon SageMaker - Amazon SageMaker - DB

Forecasting financial time series with dynamic deep learning on AWS - AWS Machine Learning Blog - DB

Features - Time Series Forecasting - Amazon Forecast - DB

AWS EC2 Instance

AWS EC2 for Beginners - DataCamp - DB

How to Upgrade or Resize a Running EC2 Instance – CloudSavvy IT - DB

Getting Started with AWS Autoscaling – CloudSavvy IT - DB


Using Amazon Lightsail with other AWS services - Lightsail Documentation - DB

Building a Membership Site with Jekyll - DB

Facebook Data Extraction using R – BigDataEnthusiast - DB

Replace specific characters within strings - Stack Overflow - DB

How to make a link open multiple pages when clicked - Stack Overflow - DB

How To Rotate Proxies and IP Addresses using R and rvest - Stack Overflow - DB

RLesur/crrri: A Chrome Remote Interface written in R - DB

How I built a zero cost serverless scraper - DEV Community - DB

jeremydata: Scrape Hundreds of PDF Documents From the Web with R and rvest - DB

17 Great Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google - DB

Sports Data

NFL scores and betting data

Beating DraftKings at Daily Fantasy Sports - DB

Predictive Analytics for Fantasy Football: Predicting Player Performance Across the NFL - DB

AI Stock Trading agent to predict stock prices - Towards Data Science - DB

Chron Jobs

Combining Netlify with Dropbox For a One-Click Publishing Process - Netlify - DB

simonpcouch/scheduled-commit-action: Running R Scripts on a Schedule with GitHub Actions - DB

S3 Sync · Actions · GitHub Marketplace - DB

Overview – Radioplayer Partner API (WRAPI) - DB

How to Automate R Scripts on Windows and Mac - Ander Fernández - DB

How to automate an R script on Google Cloud - Ander Fernández - DB

R for Optimization & Machine Learning

Using Machine Learning to Predict Fantasy Football Points - by Jim King - Towards Data Science - DB

predictive-data-science-with-amazon-sagemaker-and-a-data-lake-on-aws - DB

Optimization Using R - KDnuggets - DB

Optimizing with Excel Solver: Student Loan Payments - by Erik L - Medium - DB

Use R to do monte carlo simulation and solve following questions - Stack Overflow - DB

ecpolley/SuperLearner: Current version of the SuperLearner R package - DB

How to asynchronously query multiple databases in R - Stack Overflow - DB

Html and Documentation

Documentation Style Guide - GitLab - DB

Making a Command Line HTML Rendering Script for “The Art of the Command Line” (in R) - R-bloggers - DB

HTML Best Practices - Proper HTML Structure & Formatting - DB

GitHub - flowforfrank/performance-checklist: A comprehensive list of performance optimization techniques to improve your site’s performance

GitHub - rstudio/htmltools: Tools for HTML generation and output

Is there a way to import HTML into an HTML file? - Stack Overflow - DB

How to upload a file to a server via FTP using R? - Stack Overflow - DB

Standards - W3C - DB

HTML Living Standard

Site Structure - Web Style Guide 3 - DB

Google Adsense

AdSense policies: a beginner’s guide - AdSense Help - DB

Watch videos for new publishers - AdSense Help - DB

No Content Books!? How to Start a Low Content Books Publishing Business - DB



Roland - DJ-808 - DJ Controller

TRAKTOR Digital DJing - Native Instruments

XDJ-XZ Professional all-in-one DJ system (Black) - Pioneer DJ


Louisa H. Smith: Secrets and Robots: Accessing password-protected data with R - DB

Using Scrapy to Build your Own Dataset - by Michael Galarnyk - Towards Data Science - DB

R - XML Files - Tutorialspoint - DB

Parse and process XML (and HTML) with xml2 - RStudio Blog - DB

R API Tutorial: Getting Started with APIs in R – Dataquest - DB

How to asynchronously query multiple databases in R - Stack Overflow - DB p

Emailing from R

emayili: Sending Email from R - datawookie - DB

Hacking it: Setting up your own Bulk Mail Server — using Sendy and AWS - by Neha M - Level Up Coding - DB

SMTP relay: Route outgoing non-Gmail messages through Google - Google Workspace Admin Help

Amazon SES Can Now Automatically Warm Up Your Dedicated IP Addresses - DB

Personal Finance

mrooney/mintapi: a screen-scraping API for - DB

The Mint API with Python and Google Sheets - by McKlayne Marshall - Level Up Coding - DB