Table of Contents


Best 5 free stock market APIs in 2020</a></li>

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Todoist Cheatsheet

tags: cheatsheet


A good cheatsheet for ToDoist.

Search and replace string across files with R


Handling Strings With R

tags: book

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18 Free Email Trackers - Mailtrap

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At some point, I would like to create a package in R that operates as a bulk mailer for Newsletters and automated reporting. One feature Inwould like to add is the ability to track emails received, bounced, opened and clicked. This was research related to that.

Personal Schema

Recently, I have been searching for a way to categorize my work and personal world. The end goal being that I would have some type of structure to organize and access both. It’s a surprisingly hard thing to define, but this article does a good job: “if you had to organize all the stuff that a person comes into contact with, how would you do it?”

Standards/Schema - Metadata for Data Management: A Tutorial - LibGuides at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


DCMI: Dublin Core™


Organization Schema Markup: Step-by-Step Guide for Companies


Developing a personal schema


Understanding Personal Productivity (Paper)

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A paper that looks at how “people conceptualize personal productivity in both work and non-work contexts. …In this work, we investigate what productivity means for individuals: what activities do knowledge workers consider productive and why? The findings could inform the design of productivity tracking tools that capture a comprehensive range of activities that knowledge workers engage in, going beyond the traditional measures of device usage time and app category.”

The Ultimate Guide to Personal Productivity Methods

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The subtitle on this says it all: “You don’t need a to-do list, you need a system you can trust.”