Links for the Week of 2022-01-02

Here are some links I covered in the past week. Happy New Year!

Table of Contents

  • General
  • COVID & Parenting
  • Chart Pattern Analysis in R
  • Tools


RPubs - List all installed and loaded libraries

A function to list all packages loaded and/or installed in R.

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How to Create a Custom Bootstrap Theme from Scratch

In-depth article re how to create a custom theme. Very informative for new web designers.


Organizing Your Website


100 things that made my year (2021) - Austin Kleon

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COVID & Parenting

Parenting in 2021? “Not great, Bob!” 😖

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This piece sums up parenting lately and the illusion of control that we think we all have:

Back in September, I wrote about the way the pandemic has broken my sense of risk; after nearly two years of Covid calculations for me and my kids, I can describe myself only as dead inside (a feeling akin to what is described in one 2020 entry on the American Psychological Association website as “‘psychic numbing,’ indifference that sets in when we are confronted with overwhelming calamity”).

Even though my children are finally fully vaccinated, that anesthetized feeling persists. I thought everyday decision making for my family might get easier once we were all vaxxed, but we’re still trapped in the same cycle of trying to evaluate every minor event for individual and community risks and benefits and not always feeling equipped for that task.

Parents Are Secretly Obsessed With Jellycat Stuffies 🧸

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I wish I could have been long jellycats back before my kids were born based on the number we have accumulated. Even the author admits as much: “When I think about it too hard, I’m not sure if these amusing offerings are adorable little art pieces or the soft underbelly of late-stage capitalism.”

For more stuffed-animal madness, check out the HBO Max documentary Beanie Mania and see how plush animals + basic economics can make you a multi-billionaire.

Chart Pattern Analysis in R

Recognising Visual Charting Patterns in the Dow Jones Industrials Index

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Classical Technical Patterns - Systematic Investor

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Hacking it: Setting up your own Bulk Mail Server — using Sendy and AWS - by Neha M - Level Up Coding

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