Links for the Week of 2022-01-09

Here are some links I covered in the past week.

Table of Contents

  • General
  • Jekyll Themes
  • NFTs
  • Tools
  • R Machine Learning Packages
  • Pixel Art


  • You can gain access to your Mac wherever you are on another Mac, PC, iPad or iPhone - Link
  • Time Tracking Experiment: What I Learned After Analyzing Every Minute of My Life for 30 Days - Link - DB

Austin Kleon — Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death Can’t decide if…

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This book pops up on the radar from time to time. A real game changer if you have never read it. “It’s all about how our motivation in all things is the fear of death, hence we have to align ourselves with some greater symbolic power, a big lie from beyond, that allows us a sense of “cosmic specialness,” allows us to feel heroic, to deny death, to deny our ultimate fate as “complex and fancy worm food.” Religion, in the past, made this easy, providing a ready-made meaning-of-life and assurance of immortality if we followed the rules. Modernity has made it more difficult, more of a figure-it-out-yourself affair, and many of us struggle our whole lives to find (or invent) a kind of meaning we can believe in, to feel like we have some control over nature. Art is one way; for worse people, there’s war.”

Beethoven Symphonies Abstracted: Mo Willems - Kennedy Center

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Willems is our go to author for the kids. This shows the breadth and depth of his talents by interroreting Beethoven’s symphonies. If you don’t know Mo, check out this article on his process: Mo Willems’s Funny Failures - The New Yorker - Link - DB.

R - Lists


How to Send Custom E-mails with R · R Views

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Analyzing 4 Billion Tags with R and Spark

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A down-and-dirty tutorial that shows how to implement the sparklyr package that uses R to interact with Apache Spark a “a multi-language engine for executing data engineering, data science, and machine learning on single-node machines or clusters.” The tutorial analyzes tags from a sample of web data to determine the most popular keyword and javascript library.

The latest RStudio Preview Release of the RStudio IDE includes integrated support for Spark and the sparklyr package, including tools for:

  • Creating and managing Spark connections
  • Browsing the tables and columns of Spark DataFrames
  • Previewing the first 1,000 rows of Spark DataFrames

R Studio on Amazon Sagemaker

Access Amazon SageMaker features with RStudio on Amazon SageMaker - Amazon SageMaker

Link - DB

Announcing Fully Managed RStudio on Amazon SageMaker for Data Scientists - AWS News Blog

Link - DB

See also Announcing RStudio on Amazon SageMaker - Link.

R Examples — Amazon SageMaker Examples 1.0.0 documentation

Link - DB

See also R User Guide to Amazon SageMaker - Amazon SageMaker - Link - DB.

Jekyll Themes

Affiliates, a template available for WordPress, HTML, Ghost and Jekyll

Link - DB


23 NFT Terms You Need to Know. Plus 9 silly bonuses to make you sound… - by Christian Jensen - DataDrivenInvestor

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NFT Marketplace(s)

NFT Websites


3.3 E-Books - bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

Link - DB

How I export, analyze, and resurface my Kindle highlights - by Sawyer Hollenshead - Medium

Link - DB

R Machine Learning Packages

21 Best R Machine Learning Packages in 2021 - Updated Guide

Link - DB

13 Using Your Own Model in train - The caret Package

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Predict Stock Market with Daily Top News - by James Chen - - Medium

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